
Who made it?

The game was created by Jacob Alfahad, November 2019.
With the support, reference and help from:

  1. W3 Schools
  2. MDN
  3. Stack Overflow


The game program file is written in vanilla JS. Webpages are created with HTML and CSS.

Message from the dev

I had always wanted to create a game. After doing an "hour of code" activity, I felt very inspired to continue in this unique hobby. Quickly, I found C# (for Unity) and other object-oriented languages too difficult to me without someone mentoring me. I decided to opt for HTML and CSS for webpage creation. I picked up relatively fast, even going to create the website for my high school's robotics team. Now, in my third year in this team, I had finally decided to work on a side project since I was comfortable enough making websites.

Originally, I began building a text adventure game. I decided to jump to another idea I had, which would be this strategy text game. Mainly, this was because the former was not only riddled with issues from starting off the code badly, but it was also simply not very fun, even for me.

My idea revolved around what the game remains to be today: a text beat-em-up style game. Of course, it seems simple in theory, however there is a lot that needs to be done to even begin creating such a thing, at least from a beginner's perspective. This included learning about onkeydown events, the basic logic for the game and various other useful little things.
In the end, this is what I've created. I must admit, even if its not a AAA console game, I'm really proud of my game and what I've learned and accomplished.

I hope you enjoy this game as much as I enjoyed making it!

Disclaimers and terms

This game is licensed under MIT.
In short, you can copy, edit, distribute, etc. the code for this game as you wish, assuming it is under the same license, with proper attribution to Jacob Alfahad and with no liability to Jacob Alfahad for damages or other inconveniences.